Diversity Panel

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sponsored by WiSe (Women in Sensors)

A Diverse Perspective on Flexible and Printable Systems: Ethical and Philosophical dimension of Emerging Technologies

The convergence of flexible and printable electronics and sensors, materials science, and wireless communication is driving the dematerialization of body-centric devices.

These technologies seamlessly integrate with our bodies, with flexible electronics transparently adhering to our skin, wrapping around organs, and becoming part of implantable devices. As a result, our daily lives are increasingly intertwined with these innovations, blurring the boundaries between the physical, biological world, that is analog by definition,  and the digital realm.

The diversity panel aims at delving into the transformative nature of these technologies, where body sensors evolve beyond data collectors feeding AI algorithms, into extensions of ourselves, serving as conduits between our physical existence and the digital dimension.

We would like to invite distinguished speakers from various backgrounds, including Philosophers of information, Technology Ethicists, and AI Ethics Researcher to provide the FLEPS audience with a diverse perspective on the ethical and philosophical dimensions of technological innovations.

The goal is to stimulate a multidisciplinary discussion on the intricate interplay between technology, ethics, and the evolving human experience and possible routes toward a human-sustainable innovation where technology and ethics can harmoniously coexist preserving our core values.


  • Ethical Questions on Emerging Technologies

    Emerging technologies have become increasingly pervasive in our everyday lives. While devices such as epidermal electronics come with potential for improving human lives through, e.g., better health care, they also come with convoluted ethical questions. What happens to the highly intimate data collected with the technology? What is the responsibility of the manufacturers when it comes to cyber security? When can a good intention turn into a machine feeding harmful surveillance? What does all this mean to human autonomy in the digital age? In this talk, Westerstrand discusses ethical questions related to the use of emerging technologies that become an integral part of the human body. She sheds light into tools that can help us better understand the ethical implications of these systems and make conscious choices that aim towards human flourishing.

  • Socio-Technical Design of Flexible Electronics, Printable Sensor Systems: An Interdisciplinary Approach

    Emerging technologies in the flexible electronics space continue to grow in complexity- everything from the inner workings of componentry and how they interrelate within a given system, right through to better understanding the value chain of a given application of a device and the stakeholders who come together to make a given service offering a reality. 

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    Utrecht University


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    Radio6ense SRL, Italy